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Re: The Shedding Process
My BP's last shed took less than 4 hours! Hmm.. Magic.
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
This clears up so many questions I had it's not even funny. The pink tinge on the belly was freakin' me out until I saw those pictures.
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
I just got my snake so thanks for the info! It was really helpful! But I have another question about the shedding process......My snake is young about 4 months or so and it has shed once that i know of about a month ago almost but now it has grown since and its eyes are opague or milky looking again and i believe it is going into the shedding process again.......is that too fast, is something wrong with that?
Re: The Shedding Process
nothing wrong with that. Their shed frequency depends on their growth....so young snakes generally shed more frequently since they are rapidly growing.
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
I just got My BP about almost 1 month and a half ago (seller said he was about 3mths old) and he shed as soon as i got him and he grew some more and recently he has been digging under his substrate and laying underground for long periods of time. Well when he came up for a second I picked him up to examine him and his eyes looked filmy or milky kinda so I thought maybe he was going to shed again. But now about three days later his eyes aren't white looking or anything and I checked his belly it ain't pink so I am kinda confused! Is he shedding maybe or preparing to or does any one have any advice please?
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
to add onto what i asked above, he has some areas of his skin that aren't shiny smooth they are dull and looked like that after last shed as if the shed pulled off too much skin is that normal or a skin problem?
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
 Originally Posted by MyTat
I just got My BP about almost 1 month and a half ago (seller said he was about 3mths old) and he shed as soon as i got him and he grew some more and recently he has been digging under his substrate and laying underground for long periods of time. Well when he came up for a second I picked him up to examine him and his eyes looked filmy or milky kinda so I thought maybe he was going to shed again. But now about three days later his eyes aren't white looking or anything and I checked his belly it ain't pink so I am kinda confused! Is he shedding maybe or preparing to or does any one have any advice please?
Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
The eyes clouding over and body dulling is a sign of an impending shed. Right before they begin to the shed, the eyes will clear. Look for a shed within the week or sooner... I would say.
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
Very informative!! My BP, (my first), was looking kind of off-colored, and acting kind of funny. He also didn't eat for me last night, which is strange, so I am kind of worried.
Registered User
Re: The Shedding Process
Hey, I am new to the reptile life, and I have a quick question. My b.p. was burying her face in my palm earlier and rubbing her face. Tonight, she has a piece of skin on the edge of her face and her skin is gritty. I am assuming that she is shedding, but she is not in an ill mood. Is there anything that I can do to make this process easier for her? How long is this process?
Re: The Shedding Process
I would increase the humidity in her tank to around 60-70% and leave her alone in her tank and check again in the morning to see if she has shed ok on her own.
dr del
7 adult Royals (2.5), 1.0 COS Pastel, 1.0 Enchi, 1.1 Lesser platty Royal python, 1.1 Black pastel Royal python, 0.1 Blue eyed leucistic ( Super lesser), 0.1 Piebald Royal python, 1.0 Sinaloan milk snake 1.0 crested gecko and 1 bad case of ETS. no wife, no surprise.
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