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  1. #31
    Steel Magnolia rabernet's Avatar
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    Re: The Shedding Process

    Quote Originally Posted by Rberry1911
    ok sorry to ask but my bp shed for the first time, i kno because his eyes are not light blue anymore, but his skin isn't no where to be found; i was just wondering if they sometimes will eat their skin becasue i kno geckos eat theirs .
    im just wondering thanks
    If they just went clear from blue, he should shed in the next few days. I am not aware of ball pythons eating their shed. Hope this helps!

  2. #32
    Registered User catalystsupreme's Avatar
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    Re: The Shedding Process

    The article really helped, thanks

  3. #33
    Registered User heatherhead42's Avatar
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    Re: The Shedding Process

    Thanks! Wonderful. Just what I was looking for as Sammy begins his first shed cycle with us (I say "begins," but today I learned that he actually "began" several days ago--he's in blue now). Explains why he's been hiding out for most of a week, even at night.

    Wonderful article, very informative links. Just lovely. Thank you.
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  4. #34
    Banned Reptile_Man's Avatar
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    Re: The Shedding Process

    hey,,just found this site.i got a royal python as they are known here in ireland.well i got it about 3 weeks ago now.a week after i got it,the head started to get a blue tint to it and 3 days ago i noticed that the belly was a pinkish colour(no longer pink)except around the vent area which is very pink at the moment so i knew she was in shedding cycle,but i didnt notice her eyes getting cloudy.she soaks in her water bowl alot now but still has not shed her skin,she climbs onto the ledge at the top of the tank but has a habbit of falling off, has 1 r 2 tiny litttle scars cause of it, silly girl.
    humidity levels in the tank are around 65% so i thaught that might be enough.
    i also have a corn snake named cliff who is also in shed cycle,3 weeks ago he shed for the second time since i got him(day i baught him he shed b4 i even got him home)and now he is shedding again, so i take it as a good sign he is eating and growing well, he eats 3 pinkie mice in about 10 minutes.i feed him once a week.

  5. #35
    in evinco persecutus dr del's Avatar
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    Re: The Shedding Process

    Hey Reptile_Man,

    Everything sounds fine to me but here's a few ideas if your worried.

    The humidity levels everyone on here recomends are 50-60% normally and 70% when shedding so your not far off.

    It might also be an idea to pack the ledge so she cannot get on it to fall off to prevent any further scarring or damage - god luv em but royals are clumsy beggars at times and if they fall onto things can break ribs etc ( not likely in a tank though as the distance is so small).

    Sounds like your corn is growing almost large enough for fuzzies.

    Welcome to the site.

    dr del

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  6. #36
    Banned Reptile_Man's Avatar
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    Re: The Shedding Process

    cheers,no he isnt big enough for fuzzies just yet,i have tried getting him to take a fuzzie but he ignored try feeding 3 pinkies a week for another month or 2 and see how it goes.even during shedding he eats as usual.and after he sheds, he eats even quicker.

  7. #37
    Banned Reptile_Man's Avatar
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    Re: The Shedding Process

    Still no sign of the royal shedding her skin,havnt noticed the eyes going blue yet but still theres a bluish tint on the head but the rest of the body remains the same as the day i baught her,still a slight pinkish tint at the end of the tail but thats it,spends alot of time in her hide and sometimes soaking her head and neck in the water bowl.but no signs of shedding.

  8. #38
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    Smile Re: The Shedding Process

    this was a great article i have 2 bps that looked and acted weird for 2 days questioned aswered and i saw the shedd thanks

  9. #39
    Registered User Regius's Avatar
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    Re: The Shedding Process

    Hello, this is my first post on this forum.

    I have a ball python, a little over half a year old, who just shed. The winters here are very dry, so I helped the snake shed with a warm bath of water. After it was finished, I noticed a tiny, bony protrusion from the very tip of its tail about one millimeter in length. It's barely noticeable, and only visible from a particular angle, as it appears flush with the tan parts of the skin, but does not with the darker brown patches. Other than the tiny protrusion from the tail and the initial difficulty due to low humidity, the shed went fine.

    I was wondering if anyone has seen anything similar to this and, if so, could tell me a bit about it. Thanks.

  10. #40
    Registered User BPNewb's Avatar
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    Red face Re: The Shedding Process

    Great info ... I am recently the proud owner of a new lil BP ... and she shed for the first time last night/today ... I got bummed yesterday because I went to pick her up and she hissed at me! I felt like such a horrible pet parent; but felt better this morning when I notice she has shed during the night ... So I summed up her 'moodiness' to aggitation of shedding. Now that I know how often they shed and the signs to look for, I can be better prepared. the shed was pretty messy, it was bits and pieces all over the tank, so I'm hoping that's because she's in a new environment (but I am running out soon to get a hygrometer so I can more accurately keep an eye on the humidity. Now that she shed, would it be advisable to 'handle', or wait a few days more?

    Thanks so much again for such detailed info!

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