So I have a PVC snake rack that fits the ARS 70 series tubs with the deli cup holder. For some reason my humidity probe is reading 99% in most of the tub. The weird part is that the substrate is almost bone dry and there is absolutely no condensation forming on the sides of the tub. When I open the tub to air out, the humidity goes down to the levels present in the room (abt 50%). I should also note that I have a 2000 gram female in this tub currently.

I set up another tub in almost the exact same way (including the water dish) to try to figure out the issue but this tub had stable humidity levels of about 75%, even after 24 hours. This makes me wonder if maybe the snake is actually contributing to the humidity.

I've done some asking around and most people seem to think that if there is no condensation forming and the substrate is dry then everything is fine, but I'd appreciate other opinions as I really want to avoid a respiratory infection.

What, if anything, should be done about this situation? I'd like to avoid drilling holes if at all possible but will if necessary. Also, would simply swapping the female into the stable tub be alright? I don't want to cause any undue stress of an unfamiliar home.

Thanks for any response!