Just a few minutes ago I was handling my MBK. Everything seemed fine at first, he was relaxed, just cruising around my hand/arm for a few minutes. Soon enough he found my wrist to be quite delicious and decided to take a bite. I felt a light pressure, and next thing I know he’s latched on.

This is the first time I’ve ever been bit by a snake so I was a little surprised and didn’t know what to do. I waited for a little and eventually he let go himself. I placed him back into his enclosure but he kept trying to bite me. Even through the glass.

This is very odd as I’ve never experienced such a switch in behaviour. I’m also a little confused as parts of it seems like a feeding response, while the other seems like a defensive response.

I looked into his enclosure and noticed a small damp spot around the area I picked him up in. I feel like this might have been a warning sign that I missed. I also didn’t really pay attention to the moments before the bite.

I’m wondering if this is more of a defensive response, or a feeding response. The prolonged bite makes me think it’s feeding, but the continuous biting afterwards, and the damp spot makes me think not. I’d also really love some advice on how to handle him moving forward since I feel like this is a memorable experience that both of us will not forget lol.