We've had the "which snake is the scariest," "which snake is the cutest," and "which snake is the weirdest" threads... but now what about which snake is the smartest (if snakes can be said to be smart at all lol).

I'm not even sure how one would quantify "snake intelligence" so I guess this is more a thread for qualitative observations. I'm really curious to hear from people who have kept many different species and would love to know how the personalities and capacity for recognizing people and patterns and solving problems compares between different kinds of snakes. If anyone has any interesting stories please do tell!

I thought I'd make this thread since I have heard some people describe species like the king cobra, rattlesnake, reticulated python, and BCI as more "intellectually present" than other species and I wonder what made them feel that way. Having only kept a BP myself I can't contribute very much (and I'm going to venture that BPs probably would not make it onto the "smartest snakes" list LOL) but I'm very interested in what others have to say.