(I hope this is the correct place to post this)
I recently bought a 40 Breeder from someone who stopped breeding cichlids. It's meant as an upgrade for my 3 year old male ball python. I'm sure he'll be excited once it's ready for him, as he lives in a 20 long right now.
But, in lies the problem. The person I bought it from used it as a fish tank, so it already needs cleaned. Not a big deal. BUT she painted the back of it this bright neon highlighter blue color. (not even exaggerating) Which I do not think Loki would appreciate. So what is the safest way to get it off without scratching it all up?
Also side question: Is he going to have to get resettled, like leave him alone for a week or so? I plan on using the same decor. Maybe buy a couple more things, depending on his reaction to more space.