Behira nailed a 60G F/T rat yesterday. Might be a tiny bit on the small side for her now, but rather that then too big. I have another 60-70G small rat and then some 70-80G small rats left in this bag. I'll feed them smallest to largest.

However, I fed figment his mouse first, and when I brought it in (soaking in hot water), and walked by Behira's tank (she's the second one down of 5 and Figment is the bottom) she struck the front of the tank, only once, but still. I don't know if she smelled it, or just knew it was food time, but either way, she bent a front tooth this time.


Doesn't seem to bother her and the last one fell out on it's own. I am going to see if it falls out next feeding, like the last one did. I can see it when I look in the tank, but since she just ate, I am not going to take her out to inspect until at least tomorrow.

Needless to say I didn't offer the rat long before she was all over it.

I usually feed Figment, Behira, and then Shayna. From now on, I am going to feed Behira first, then Figment, then Shayna. Maybe avoid needless strikes at acrylic!

Glad she is happy and eating; bent teeth and all!