I have an alligator snapper that is roughly a year and a half old. He weighs around 120g. Where I was living before, the room temp was pretty warm and he was kept with another alligator snapper. I did not set up a basking light as the temp in the room was usually around 75 and I've read conflicting things about them needing one. Where I live now, the room temp stays around 68-70 and he seems like he doesn't want to eat much. When I first moved here in mid-November, I got him some goldfish just to see if he'd eat. He ate a few but has left the rest. I've tried pellets and shrimp (things he has eaten before), and dried shrimp/krill.

He hasn't been losing weight since November. He has UVB light and lives in a 50g rubbermaid tub. I only keep about 10g of water in it to keep it from bowing, but I have plans to move him to a 100g+ tub this spring. But I'm wondering if the lowered temps have put him in a bit of a brumation. With my next paycheck I was thinking of getting a heater for the water to bring it up to 78. I did put some large tadpoles (like bullfrog tadpoles) in the water just to see if he'd eat them and I checked today and they were gone, so I"m assuming he ate them. He has live plants in the tub and driftwood. So he has places to hide and get out of the water.

Note: Yes I am aware these are not beginner turtles. Yes I am aware he will get big and probably aggressive. Yes I have taken this into consideration and I am choosing to keep him.