Everything you are describing is completely "normal". S/he feels cool to touch because our skin is 90-95F. If you snake feels really warm, that's probably not a good thing...

I strongly suggest checking out the care guide on the main page. You will want to add some sort of belly heat with a thermostat to control it. Normally a UTH (under tank heater/heat mat) is recommended for glass enclosures, but you can also use a number of other heat sources. Heat bulbs are fine, so long as they are used to up the ambient temp (which sounds good to me, if it is indeed at about 80F when measured with a digital thermometer).
Balls require a hot spot of around 90F - so about a 10F difference from the cool side to the warm side, with the UTH cover about 1/3 of the tank or slightly less.

As with what the others have said, balls can be finicky eaters and so many people say not to handle for about 3 consecutive meals, so they are feeding well before you start handling them (it can be a stressful time for them with all the new changes; they need time to adjust)!

Please check out that care sheet, and best of luck. Welcome to the addiciton!