So I've tried a range of hides with Allure. First were two that I made from plastic bins. They were clear so I piled his Eco Earth on top of them to make it nice and dark for him. Well the height was right but it wasn't snug around the sides for him. So he only used that for digesting for his first three meals. His next meal one he just stayed on his tree branch. He's always on his tree branch or laying out. So I bought two hatchling sized reptile basic hides. I waited to feed him until seven days instead of five since I was waiting for the hides to come in. I was concerned about him digesting on the tree branch since there is no belly heat on there. He just laid on top of the RB hides. Little brat. So I picked him up, coiled him up, and placed him under the hide. He stayed there for a minute then came out and gave me this look like "And what was the purpose of that?" I fed him later and I came home to him in his hide! Score! Maybe he'll actually use it now. He's always in his tree branch. Maybe he'll actually use it now like a normal BP should.

And because I know it'll come up , temps and humidity are right and heating mats are controlled by thermostats.