Doing some market research right now, on feeders.

I primarily want to get info from people that would be interested in feeders along this route (or who will travel to this route) but I would love other data as well! Just state whether or not you'd pickup from that route or not.


Please answer these Questions if you don't mind.

(please use Rodent Pro's website for size names so we're all on the same page)

How many of each size rat/mouse do you buy, and how often?

Live or frozen?

What do you usually pay for each size rat/mouse?

Do you ship your orders?
If so how much is typical shipping?

Are your feeders frozen on trays?
Are your feeders vacuum sealed or zip lock bags?

What makes a feeder company stand out to you the most and keep coming back?

What would you like to see from a feeder company?

What's the most important thing to you?

Do you use other feeders such as rabbits, quail, chicks?
If so, what do you pay for those?

Any other input...

Thanks guys!