I did a quick search today and posted this info on another site but figured I'd post it here to. Not sure if someone has yet or not but was feeling rather too lazy to look. Any ways without any further ado here are the links for any that are interested.
The executive order is very vague and can be used as they see fit. It is all open to interpretation as to what is a Large Constrictor, because that is exactly what it says. Large Constrictors.

It will be enforced by officers commissioned as Wildlife Officers by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources' Division of Wildlife.
It is an emergency executive order that is only effective for 90 days ending March 6.
People concerned with this ban should contact Gov.-elect John Kasich who is the incoming official.

Ohio Governors office

The actual Executive Order is 2010 -17s

Executive Order -17s

and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources which is who will be interpreting the vague order and enforcing it.

Ohio Department of Natural Resources