It seems that support has been picking up within the reptile community on the HR2811 and now S373. But, we still have yet to grab national attention to the matter. In order to get support from the non reptile community we need to make it known that this is a violation of our rights as U.S. citizens that people need to know about. I'm talking about making comparisons to a ban on cats or dogs as pets, raise the awareness of the job loss and state revenue that backs our schools, community centers, zoos, animal shelters, ect. Raise the awareness of the actions and past dealings of HSUS to help discredit them as a reliable source of information. (We made huge headway when a scientific committee looked at the USGS report and deemed it unscientific.)
In order to get the needed attention I've decided to organize a march on Washington D.C. for the spring (sometime in April). I'm in the process of getting the permit for this, and need help from a few people who would like to be on the committee and lend a hand. This is not something to lightly sign up for, I'm talking weekly/bi weekly meetings, people who will send out electronic petitions, paper petitions in their community, get the attention of local media (pennysaver, newspaper, local cable channel, school newspapers, ect.) People who will show up for the march, and work as hard as they can to get as much support as possible. People with connections to media outlets, herp societies, universities that would lend a hand in backing up information,politicians, anything of the sort that would gives us credibility.
Anyone who is interested please email me at