Topics and pictures related to field herping and miscellaneous wildlife
The 'upside-down' sex life of a rare Indian frog revealed
07-30-2024, 09:07 AM
Amphibians including frogs, toads, salamanders, etc.
Beelzebufo and Wollywog. My froggy boys.
10-24-2024, 02:20 PM
Chelonia: turtles and tortoises
Best beginner turtles that stay small and live 50+?
08-18-2024, 08:49 AM
If it's got legs and an exoskeleton, talk about it here! Tarantulas, millipedes, roaches....whatever!
World's rarest insect on display at the San Diego Zoo
12-27-2023, 05:56 PM
This is for all you hot owners--any and all venomous species here, except for rear-fanged colubrids
Ridge-nosed rattlesnake conservation
11-25-2024, 11:12 PM
Techniques and Equipment discussions
So this started growing in my BP enclosure
06-26-2022, 09:26 PM
Photos of captive wildlife in zoos, aquariums, etc.
Zoo Atlanta
05-21-2019, 06:57 PM
Show off your photography skills...all non-herp and non-wildlife pics can go here.