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Judy's Weightloss Journey

Day Fiftytwo -- Three more...

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...pounds...down the drain!

It's crazy late...but I wasn't able to sleep and didn't want to let the day go completely by without sharing my good news!

I hope I can maintain about a 3 pound loss per week. I don't know how realistic that is, especially at my age...but I'm hoping even so. Even at that rate...I have to be careful not to get discouraged at "how long" the journey still appears to be. Looking ahead that way makes time stretch out like taffy. But if I consider how fast a school year goes by with the kids...or how fast our time in each house we live in goes by...a year or two doesn't seem like much time at all. Still....I truly hope it doesn't take that long. But even if it does...even if it takes longer...I'm committed to eating healthy for my body's sake, primarily. Health is the primary goal, not some number on a scale.

This one will be short. It's so very late and I'm finally starting to feel a little sleepy. Gonna take advantage and go catch some dreams...

-- Judy

Updated 10-21-2010 at 04:44 AM by JLC



  1. Definitions's Avatar
    Hey Judy losing weight is not a short term commitment it definitely is a long term commitment. 2 years ago I came home from work and I felt like I was just going to die. My wife rushed me to the ER and come to find out I had a blood sugar of 502 and I was heading in to Diabetic shock. I had no clue I was even a Diabetic . I spent a week in the hospital trying to get my blood sugar low enough for me to go home. when I came into the hospital I was 475 pounds.2 years later I am now 319 pounds still over weight thank goodness I am 6'3 and carry my weight well but, I lost like 160 pounds in to years so far and I am still currently working my way down. So I know the struggles and hoops you have to go through in order to eat healthy and be active. Because I love me some candy, cakes and all that good stuff. as of now my Diabetes is controlled and I maintain a blood sugar of 92-100. So just keep working at it and eat right and excersize, walking is very very very good for you. Congratulations on the weight you have lost and every pound you lose is 1 step closer to where you want to be!!
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