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Originally Posted by Neal I'd say hands down colubrids. I've had Anacondas, Balls, Corns, Kings, Rats, BCI's. I've also had to house a retic for 6 months. I can say hands down out of all the snakes I wouldn't necessarily say smarter, but the Anaconda and Retics were the most non-frightful which some would say is more intelligent because they interact more and settle down when comfortable. Balls generally jerk their head back when you go in their tank/tub, though I'm sure they have exceptions ...
Originally Posted by Neal I'll never forget my first actual pet snake that I bought. I was living under her roof and I wanted a snake, and her quick but decisive NO all but told me to drop it. So growing up I knew better then to ask my dad because I was 10x more likely to get a yes from my mother than my father. When I'd get in trouble for bad grades through elementary and middle school my mom would come to me with the report card and say we'll hide it from your dad. He would either forget about it, though ...
I'm just bored so I feel like posting a pictures of some of my bikes, well two of them to be exact since I don't really have pictures of the other three anymore. Then some of my favorite snakes, which is where the randomness comes in at. So prior to this '07 ZX-10R I'm posting I had a '01 GSX-R1000 and a '04 ZX-12R. Here are some pictures of my '07 ZX-10R that I took to a few days before selling it: ...
Updated 12-24-2013 at 02:18 PM by Neal