View Full Version : Advanced BP Husbandry
- We're Open For Business
- Low Humidity in your tank?
- To vent... or NOT to vent-That is MY question.
- Artificial inseminaton for ball pythons?
- Advanced feeding issues.
- First eggs of the year, can small females breed?
- Whats your temp gradient?
- Keeping Humidity Levels Up in a Snake Room
- Measuring rack temps
- Absolutes in Reptile Care
- Incubation Material
- Microchipping your Hets
- Culling
- Breeding Differences
- How about Ultrasound systems?
- Baby Racks / Shoebox tubs
- Horizontal Heat Gradients
- Rack Systems..
- feeding females right after they lay eggs.
- Building Rack - Flexwatt Question
- Sick Ball python results
- How to perform a checkup
- severe swelling in the lower jaw
- Power feeding?
- 1st Feeding - Hatchlings
- Anyone use Panacur to deworm their own animals?
- When to force feed?
- How Early Can you Cut Eggs
- Dealing with the unexpected...(Hatchlings)
- Whats the youngest you'd breed a male?
- the best way to feed hatchlings?
- Egg mass data results!
- Under Tank Heaters?????
- Racks in Colder Climates
- Need Help - Anyone Everr See Somthing Like This?
- Feeding
- Need help on starting on breeding
- Ball tipped probes?
- Feeding small hatchlings
- favorite rack?
- Am I being too picky? 3 inch flex doubled up...
- Assist feeding question
- cage size
- What size tubs?
- Quick Question
- What kind of thermostats do you guys use?
- Using Flexwatt insulators or electrical tape?
- thinking I might have to forcefeed (with a vet?)
- Straaaaaange thing happened with my 2200g female yesterday
- Found BP Please HELP
- High-tech husbandry equipment
- How do you set up???
- Need some perspective (gore)
- HELP! I'm a bad mom :( BURN/SCALE ROT??
- Force Feeding
- Regurge Questiones
- Pre Ov Soaking
- Anyone seen this before?
- Concerned about a female
- trying to find exact tub sizes?
- Breaking The Habit
- Have RI and questions
- Assist feeding
- Rat scared our snake
- What in the world is going on here?
- BP not well at petco
- Just got back fecal test
- a lil new please help. heating and humidity. Please!!!!!!!!!
- Help with new Rack.
- Prolapsed Hemipene!
- Should I soak him? or let him be.
- new regular bp female - might be pregnant - fluid
- What causes mouth rot?
- Tub sizes for BP
- Signs of neuro issues
- bleeding from her "lady parts"
- Vitamins
- Non-Feeder with pushed in eye
- Paramyxovirus
- Converting a post-lay female from live to f/t
- PETCO advises treating mites with vinegar water?!
- Assisted Feeding Instructions
- Newly acuired snake with what appears to be a bad case of scale rot
- Vivarium Hoods
- Upside Down Egg Experiment
- Unusual egg laying experience.
- Flexwatt and newspaper: not enough heat getting through?
- Umbilical
- Who RFID chips there snakes?
- water for snakes
- snakes can digest their own hearts!!!
- Snake rack...
- Assist feeding
- Lines on Belly
- unusual growth rate
- breeding ?? inbreed ??
- Mites that Feed on Snake Mites
- Insecticides
- is she sick?
- Multi unit cages
- Quick question
- ball python cage
- Treatment Duration!
- septicemia :(
- ball python with respitory infection (RI)
- what's your trick to switch from live to F/T ?
- Baby BP tank setup
- Baytril Injection ?
- Baby not eating
- Boas and Balls' Ultrasound Machine
- Boid Encephalothopy????
- Any vets in the house or someone with knowledge of panacur
- do I think to much?
- Theory needs justification
- Taking a Fecal
- Really big emergency! Please help!!
- weight gain question
- vent bleeding!
- This is getting frustrating!
- Rack with Iris CB-75 tubs
- Hunger strike
- Vent looks absolutely horrifying.
- plastic rack repair question
- poo question
- how to spot a non healthy snake at a show..
- ANy ideas what this is?
- Red Belly!
- Hope for recovery? or Euthanize? Emaciated, 23 yr. old BP w septicemia
- Update on Monty - 23 yr. old sick BP with septicemia
- Can this be done?
- Reccomendations on a specialized Herp Vet - Dallas TX
- Humidity
- few questions about baytril
- Need some advice
- Electrical problems with my Helix thermostat/Flexwatt
- Help asap
- Best care for newly imported babies?
- Switching from live to frozen food
- burn and a UTH
- Troublesom RI. danofloxacin questions
- What would you do if...
- Spit out vs. regurgitation
- Thermostat issue?
- New To Flexwatt
- Help for the forum
- Red Bump??
- Looking for informaion on the PH levels of Ball python skin.
- Possible RI, need some opinions
- Questions about RI
- Micro-chipping BP
- Rack question.
- Mites
- Constipation - soaking isn't working
- Mites and Rack
- Help! BP have empty belly
- Caging ?
- Tiny white mites
- Asssit and force feeding
- What humidity is "dangerous" and supports RI
- Rid the same as Equate?
- Bios Weather digital in/out thermometer with probe
- mold on feces
- First poop in 3 months.
- herpstat nd
- Input request: Am thinking to add a thermostat, but how does it work???
- Ball Python Muscle Spasm Help?
- Preventing mites, "old school" method?
- BP's eye lens
- tanks vs tubs
- How would you know if your snakes has mites?
- Small Bump On the Top of her Head
- Need Serious Opinions on STRANGE "object" that my male ball python "passed"
- Why can't you plug Proportional thermostats into UPS's or generators?
- flexwatt problem
- Getting concerned...Any advice would be great
- question for all of you BP breeders
- Data cards
- Sexing probes
- A headache ball python
- Lower Temps
- Ultrasound Machine
- Does anyone use a air purifier in thier snake rooms?
- Baby ball python feeding question
- Need help to start feeding
- 6qt tub dripping from lid?
- Tub and rack size?
- Can I deworm this way?
- hatchling feeding problem
- Some input wanted on cold winter temps and tubs
- Sick baby ball puthon
- Shedding problems.
- Reptaid? does anyone use this vitamin for bps??
- The trend of lowering temps.
- Still no shed, should I worry now!?
- Any tips for opening mouths?
- Need Help - Stool Oddity
- whitish Runny Stool
- black discoloration and now a black ulcer?!?!!
- herpastat
- a lot harder than i thought
- I may have a sick snake :C
- Stubborn eye cap, please help!
- heating tubs NOT in a rack...?
- Severe Malnution in BP Help.
- Pink Belly after shed
- Critter Ate My Thermostat
- Strange Aggressive Behavior
- Skin problem on my female Ball Python
- ID system
- Brownish Liquid?
- Please help
- Vivarium Electronics thermostat aesthetics
- Hello new here.
- Flexwatt vs heating pad HELP!
- Spray Paint Hides
- Cleaners
- what are some good rheostats and digital thermometers and hydrometers
- Does anyone else give snakes bath's?
- help!!!
- Not feeding
- Hygrotherm or Hygrostat?
- Rhp
- Divided tubs?
- Deworming possible gravid ball
- possible RI/swollen neck and head. help SVP
- New to ball pythons
- Chronic Constipation
- New pickup near dead...
- Need tips for dealing with ri(respiratory infection)!!!
- Snake making an odd noise?
- Vet visit or no?
- Reptile Scan
- Hardened yolks, hard belly, mass in Ball python hatchlings
- Help with blood tinged mucus.
- I have a severe upper respitory infection, can my snake catch what i have?
- Emergency shelter for disaster response
- What is Wobble?
- Healing Upper Respiratory Infection With F10 Nebulization?
- Anyone do an induced fast?
- swollen head, recessed eyes caused by mites?
- What the heck!
- Flexwatt tape temp variability
- VE-200 Thermostat
- Twisted umbilicus 101 - Lucky's Story - Graphic Pics
- Not Shedding
- Multigenerational probability?
- BP has no scale and scale than
- The issue with soaking...
- Anyone ever see anything like this before?
- The Full Spectrum Lighting Experiment