01-21-2009 until 01-01-2029
Membership Subscription Program
Help Support Ball-Pythons.net!
We're growing exponentially now, and the expenses incurred to maintain the site are growing as well. Every penny brought in through this subscription program goes directly to the hosting and maintenance of Ball-Pythons.net.
To Subscribe, click on the link and choose your level of support!
Current online subscription is payable only via PayPal in $USD.

Explanation of OPTIONS:
Custom Avatar: The ability to load an avatar image of your own choice, rather than choosing one from among the BP.net "library" of avatars. More on the changes to our avatar system can be found here: http://www.ball-pythons.net/forums/showthread.php?p=963474#post963474
Avatar Size: This is the maximum size your avatar can be in order to upload. width x height
Custom Profile: Customize your Profile Page by adjusting the color scheme and fonts!
Profile Pic Size: This is the picture that shows up on your Profile Page.
Custom Title: Where it normally says, "Registered User" or "BP.net Veteran" under your member-name...you can select a title of your own choosing. Titles must be family-friendly and abide by all BP.net TOS/Rules. They may not be used to mock or demean another member.
Private Messages: The number of messages you can store in your PM box. (This includes the total of incoming and sent messages)
Gallery Space: All members get a certain amount of free gallery space for hosting pictures right here at BP.net. While we can't compete with other photo hosts for the amount of space we offer, it IS nice to have a selection of special images hosted right here at "home". 
Free Ads: These are the ads placed in our For Sale/Trade/Adoption or Wanted Forum. The limit on ads allowed to be placed are annual limits. More on this can be found here: http://www.ball-pythons.net/forums/showthread.php?p=963474#post963474
Member Forum: Another new feature offered to our Platinum Members. We'll have a new section of forums where members can host their own forum for "Off Topic" discussions, sharing pictures, or whatever catches your fancy. All BP.net TOS/Rules will still apply.
Subscription Icon: Show your BP.net Patriotism by sporting one of our nifty new icons above your avatar!
1. All subscribers are still bound to the original TOS/Site Rules they agreed to when registering for BP.net.
2. If a subscription upgrade is made, the member will be refunded the prorated difference. (ie: If a Silver account is upgraded to Platinum right away, the member will be refunded their original $25. If the account is upgraded after six months, the member will be refunded $12.50)
3. All subscriptions are non-refundable. (Except as mentioned in point #2.) In the unlikely event that a member finds themselves banned from the site, they are not entitled to a refund.
4. Current online subscription is payable only via PayPal in $USD.