My old lady did it. This is her first clutch in her life. A total of 6 eggs were laid! They're tiny and infertile and misshapen....but I can't help but be proud of her. ^_^ I thought I noticed an ovi a few months ago (no idea what triggered it, other than her heater shutting off for a few days), and left one of my males in with her for a few days on the off-chance she would lay, but they never locked up. So I am a little bummed none were fertile. But still! She's never been bred because of a couple miss-shaped ribs (vet said most likely she was squished in the egg, not genetic) and the fear that she wouldn't be able to pass, but I'm rather pleased to prove that wrong, as slightly scary as it was. She seems to be acting very happy and normal.

(note: I would never have placed the male with her had she not ovi'd first: me and her previous owner made the decision together. She's 13, and not likely to live too much longer, so we felt having a clutch from her would be worth the risk, especially if she was going to lay anyway.)